Once you've used those rules to work out all the vowels you can, you should then be able to fill in any gaps by using a bit of maths. 'ea'), then the first is always short, etc etc. rules like: diphthongs are always long a vowel before two or more consonants is always long (unless it's a br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, fl, gl, or pl) if two vowels next to each other are not a diphthong (e.g.

Always look for any elisions first, then look for any vowels that you can work out the length of using rules you've learned. The last two feet of any line of dactylic hexameter will ALWAYS be dactyls, so you just need to work out the other four feet. Use the Scansion button in the top bar to toggle the scansion on/off and the Font button to toggle between. There is a departure here from.Dimensions: 8.0 X 10.0 X 0.57 inches 1.2 pou. There are six feet overall, and all of them are either dactyls (long, short, short, i.e. These books are intended to make Virgils Latin accessible even to those with a fairly rudimentary knowledge of the language. Virgil: Aeneid IV Virgil, In Book IV of Virgil's 'Aeneid', one of the most studied books of that epic poem, Dido, queen of Carthage, is inamed by love for Aeneas. That said, I'll try and summarise dactylic hexameter scansion: Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Aeneid Book 2 With Scansion Interlinear Translation Parsing and Notes at the best online. Vergil's Aeneid Vergil The Latin text of Vergil's Aeneid with metrical scansion and macrons marking naturally long vowels based on the Greenough 1900 edition.

Hey, I see you posted this a while ago so I'm afraid this might not be much use to you now, but I can try and explain hexameter scansion rules.Īlthough first, I would say check out the other threads on TSR if you haven't already, the link below, or Mathew Owen/John Taylor's explanations- they'll probably be much better than mine!